PLANET получила награды журнала PC World за лучший продукт и лучшее соотношение цены и качества

PLANET, одна из ведущих мировых компаний в области IP, сегодня объявила о том, что ADE-4400 недавно получил награды «Лучший продукт» и «Лучшая цена» от журнала PC World Magazine Greece. PLANET ADE-4400 — это 4-портовый маршрутизатор ADSL 2/2+, превосходно зарекомендовавший себя в сравнительном тесте ADSL-маршрутизаторов, проведенном этим профессиональным журналом, благодаря надежной работе, богатым функциональным возможностям, а также конкурентоспособной цене.

The latest test report was announced in December issue of PC World Magazine in Greece. Among this severe test in comparison with other brands, the PLANET ADE-4400 won the 2 top honors by the famous professional media. PLANET ADE-4400 ADSL 2/2+ Router is an all-in-one unit, combining an ADSL 2/2+ Modem, NAT Router and Ethernet Switch, providing things you need to get the PCs/laptops on your network connected to the Internet over ADSL or ADSL 2+ high speed broadband connection.

The ADE-4400 complies with ADSL 2/2+ standards for worldwide deployment and supports downstream rates of up to 24 Mbps and upstream rates of up to 3.5 Mbps. It is designed for small office, home and residential users, enabling even faster speed Internet connections. Users can enjoy ADSL services and broadband multimedia applications such as interactive gaming, video streaming and real-time audio much easier and faster than ever before.

Via the user-friendly management interface, the ADSL 2/2+ Router can be managed by workstations running standard web browsers. It provides NAT, Security, Dynamic DNS, Time Zone, Remote Management, UPnP, Static Route, and Maintenance. For more and more important security issue, this product serves as an Internet firewall, protecting your network from being accessed by outside users.