Интеллектуальный контроллер систем возобновляемой энергии
Контроллер управления возобновляемыми источниками энергии PLANET NMS-360 может автоматически обнаруживать до 512 удаленных устройств, питаемых от промышленного источника возобновляемой энергии PLANET NMS-360, таким образом, что регистрируется использование солнечной фотоэлектрической батареи, батареи и порта PoE. Кроме того, ведется управление журналами трафика, совместимыми с SNMP, протоколом MQTT и утилитой PLANET Smart Discovery. Таким образом, это позволяет администратору централизованно управлять сетью, насчитывающей до 512 узлов, из центрального офиса, что значительно повышает эффективность управления сетью и питанием. Более того, NMS-360 может поддерживать до 2048 IP-камер PLANET, снимки которых делаются по протоколу ONVIF.
Watch Over Energy Usage Level, and System and Device Events within Minutes
The home page displays the statuses of system and device events to oversee whether or not they are within the threshold set by the administrator. This can help the administrator quickly know whether the system is operating stably or not. The system event function offers the on-time event statistics table and you can filter the event device with one touch. The event devices section shows which devices are low in energy, not working properly and off the line. A graph of the current energy usage level and the green power utilization shows the power traffic statuses of the selected devices. Thus, it enables you to have a valuable information on the current energy statuses and other situations at a glance. With that, the administrator can immediately address whatever problem these devices may have.
User-friendly Setup Wizard
The NMS-360 enhances user experience by providing a more user-friendly setup wizard with a step-by-step guidance on how each related function is to be set. Just like an app, it reduces training time and allows even non-technical users to be able to set up management network system within minutes.
App-like Device Table to Directly Oversee Energy Usage Status, etc.
The NMS-360 interactive device table includes the statuses of system PoE usage, per port PoE usage, battery capacity, and linkup port traffic for each BSP-360-powered device. Just like an app, the administrator can see at a glance the status of each BSP-360-powered device at the same time. For a quick check on a specific function, the administrator can use the “Threshold Selector”, “Status Selector” and “Filter by Context” function.
Real-time Centralized Monitoring with Configuration of PoE
As the NMS-360 comes with a detailed system view of the BSP-360-powered devices, it enables to configure each powered device like turning on IP cam 1, turning off IP cam 2, etc. The history graph records the status of each device’s generator power, power usage and traffic. If the BSP-360 detects a PLANET camera, you can add it to the ONVIF IP cam list for monitoring purposes.
Instant E-mail Alarm Function
The NMS-360 e-mail alarm function is designed to send an email alert to the administrator via the SMTP server where syslog information can be found once an abnormality is detected. This can prompt the administrator to quickly fix the identified problem in the network.
Optimizing Energy Deployment with Site Maps
With the site maps, the BSP-360 can be located according to the field deployment, thus saving your time and cost of on-site support and monitoring. The current statuses of devices are shown in real time and the IP cam snapshot function is able to show the real onsite image. If the generator power is low, you can through the real-time image see if it is cloudy or raining, or other factors are involved.